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Heidi and Sutton Family


"Paramhansa Yogananda knew that the physical plane, no matter how lovely, was only the dimmest reflection of what awaits us" 

from Touch of Love, Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda by Nayaswamis Jyotish & Devi

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A kind note from Heidi on September 16, 2015 about Matt's mom's passing, and with customary Heidi humor, she follows up on an invitation to attend our son's squash match at the Harvard Courts.  Photo below, too!


A photo from our visit with Heidi during her Harvard Reunion Weekend, May 24, 2019. 

We had lunch at Whole Heart Provisions at the Smith Campus Center.

How could we not mention TT when honoring Heidi?  In response to a Birthday text in 2019, Heidi delighted us and made us laugh in her typical clever and self-deprecating way with:
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And, we always loved receiving Heidi's thoughtful and endearing dancing GIFs!  Heidi's 2019 Dancing Holiday Santa ❤🌈
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Love is forever


You are eternally in our hearts.

Victoria, Matt, Lachlan, Asher and Clive Sutton

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